FORUM grew out of a conversation in our 6:45 community.
We desired a place for in-depth discussion and sharing on a range of topics about our life, faith, God and the nature of all things.
FORUM has taken its name from the Roman forum - the marketplace of the world - where people would meet for conversation and trade, we desire to be a meeting place for the exchange of ideas and the sharing of our lives.
The marketplace also contains ideas of buying and selling or giving and receiving, we desire to be a place where we give of ourselves and allow others to be heard. As well as to be a place where we receive the insights of others and the opportunity to be vulnerable ourselves.
The FORUM meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month* in a variety of mediums. (presentation, conversations, liturgical services, prayer & worship nights etc...)
*Dates may differ from month to month.

The next FORUM:
Date: Thursday 6th June 7:30-9:00pm
Presenter: Darrell L. Bock
Topic: TBA
All are welcome