Deeper …

The other day I noticed one of the plants that sits in the meeting room at church looking a little worse for wear.  I gave it some water and moved it outside so it could get some sun and a bit of the rain that we've had recently.  The once-drooping leaves have begun to revitalise and the plant is looking healthier again.  It longs for what is good for it.  Observing this, it got me reflecting upon this year and the desire for us to go "Deeper" in our whole of life worship and spiritual growth.  How do we nurture a lifelong desire for spiritual growth?  How do we thrive in a world darkened by sin and parched by a lack of true refreshment.

We Delight in the Word

Psalm 1 uses the image of a tree planted by a stream of water to describe the person who delights in God’s Word. The tree yields fruit in season and does not fear the drought because it’s planted by an external stream. If we want a well-watered faith, we need God’s Word in our lives. Hearing the Word preached, reading it for ourselves, and with our brothers & sisters, studying it carefully, and meditating on it day and night sustains our soul through life’s various seasons.

Without the nourishing effects of God’s Word, we quickly become dry, withered branches. In contrast, by abiding in Jesus through time in his Word, we bear much fruit. And this is what Paul said when he wrote to the Colossian church. 

Once people come to Christ having been transferred from the dominion of darkness into the Kingdom of Jesus (Col. 1:13-14), we want to see every believer growing in Christ.  The task of our ministry team and growth group leaders is to admonish and teach everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ (Col. 1:28). 

Essentially then the goal, for every Christian, is to be progressing in the Christian life.  Paul sums it up beautifully in Colossians Chapter 2 when he writes:

6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

You can see there that the Christian life is all about living; growing & understanding.  That is, as we receive Christ Jesus as Lord: as God's grace in all its beauty and wonder, grips our hearts, our lives are changed and continue to be so as we "walk" or "live our lives in Him".  But this can only take place with deep roots in Christ Jesus, AND having that well-laid foundation in Christ Jesus. This is how we grow - depending on Jesus, planted in the rich soil of the gospel and growing wiser and stronger, like the person of Psalm 1 .  With that strong foundation in Christ and deep roots in the Word of truth we get a deeper grasp of the faith.  As we love Jesus we learn more about Jesus and as we learn more we love Jesus more.  And so our worship of him permeates to our whole life.  And not only do we overflow with thankfulness, but as we walk in Christ, built in him, with a deepening and strengthened faith, this shapes a desire to keep growing in our knowledge and love of Jesus wanting to know him better today than we did yesterday.

So this year, our prayer is that together as God’s people we will go deeper as we cultivate a posture of worship that permeates our lives, as we foster a deeper spiritual life together and as we in everything ways to praise and serve our God who has brought us from death to life.

“Binding on me, O God, are your vows. I will render thanks in full to you, because you have delivered my soul from death. Have you not delivered my feet from stumbling, so that I may walk about before God in the light of life?” [Psalm 56:12-13 translated by Alec Motyer]


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