Roadmap for Reopening.

We find ourselves in strange days. So far, it’s been hard, but mostly straightforward for churches. Mainly because it has been one rule for all. The good news is that churches can return to meeting together having reached the 70% vaccination and as our State re-opens from Monday. However, it’s only for those who have been double vaccinated. This has begged a lot of important questions and I don’t want to simply give the road map for re-opening without a theological framework because this is truly a discipleship moment for our church. 
So I hope you'll bear with me as we consider what the bible values that speaks into our situation.  Here are some thoughts:

The bible values the gathering of God’s people.
God commands us to not forsake meeting with one another as some were in the habit of doing (Heb 10:25). The context is of those who were choosing to not attend the gathering. Church online is important but it’s not church, it’s a ministry of the word. It ought to grieve us that we can’t all gather as God’s people to encourage each other, especially when so many are vulnerable. And yet it’s not an absolute value, since we rightly miss church when we are sick, or when work calls you out for an emergency. 

The bible values the unity of the church.
We are one in Christ. Galatians 3:28 states, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, (vaccinated or unvaccinated) for you are all one in Christ Jesus, “ We have all felt the grief of not being allowed to meet together as God's family. But this does not mean we don’t put any limits on unity. For example, we don’t change our core teaching if some disagree and decide to leave our church. Unity is important, but it’s not the only truth.

The bible wants us to do good to all people, especially those in the household of faith (Gal 6:10).
We should be conscious of how our health impacts others at church. While I don’t give medical advice as a Pastor, where health issues impact church life we take advice from doctors we know and trust. That is why we tell parents when their child is sick (green runny nose, rash, temperature, or conjunctivitis) they should not bring their kids to church. But the difference here is that the unvaccinated who are healthy can feel like they are viewed as if they are sick and unclean. 

The bible values respecting conscience and conscientious objections.
We worship a God who understands that not every Christian is going to agree on everything. We are to respect and even protect each other's consciences and choices, even if we think they are wrong. 
You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. ~Romans 14:10 
And yet, conscience and individual freedom are not absolutes. You can have a clear conscience and be completely wrong. A person who genuinely believes in the prosperity gospel will be loved  but will not be given a teaching platform.

The bible values our witness before a watching world.
We should care about how we are seen by the world. In 1 Tim 6:1, slaves were to submit to their masters. Why? So that the name of God and the good news of Jesus would not be slandered. We should be concerned to make Jesus look good before a watching world, as individuals and as a church. The only thing is, the world consists of different people who are offended by different positions. As a church, we can’t “be all things to all people.”

So, these are some of the issues that push against each other; the gathering and unity of God’s people,  showing loving concern for the health of our church and community, guarding our individual conscience and choices, and watching how we live before a watching world. 
It’s worth remembering it is not a problem unique to our church. Every pastor, in every church in Sydney, is facing these same issues and very few think there is an easy answer.

Road Map for reopening
At this point, we want to at least give the majority the opportunity to meet for their good and we want to give non-Christians the opportunity to come to church and hear the gospel. 
With our state having reached the 70% vaccination target and with 80% not far behind, we will be reopening church on Sunday 17th October.  We expect that the 80% target will be reached within two weeks of that.   Once the 80% fully vaccinated figure is reached (expected to be mid-late October) we are delighted that everyone, regardless of vaccination status, will be able to gather together for church.  This is largely due to the Government recognising churches as an essential service, for which we are deeply thankful.

Throughout this time we will continue to live stream both 9:00am and 4:45 church for two groups; those who can't meet because of government restrictions and those who are unable to gather with us because of health concerns.  If you have concerns relating to your health or otherwise when it comes to gathering please don't hesitate to contact me or one of the wardens so we can work out how best to care for you.

Unvaccinated children under the age of 16 years are not allowed to enter the premises unless accompanied by a fully vaccinated member of the person’s household (2.18[3]). There is no requirement in the PHO that children must remain at all times with the vaccinated member of their household, and so we will be able to run Kids Church alongside 445 church.   Please note that for the first two weeks children will remain with us in church.  Due to some of the complexity of restarting our children's ministry, Minis and Transformers will resume on 31st October.  This will give Jill and her team the time to work through necessary logistics.

The Diocese has advised us that those conducting children’s ministry should be vaccinated (because the attendance of children is predicated on them being accompanied by a vaccinated member of their household, and because they (the adults) would otherwise be subject to stay at home orders, at 70%).

There are other complexities related to Youth Ministry and Jonnie is currently working with his team as to what their roadmap will look like.  Parents of our Youth (Platform) will be advised separately as to what re-opening will look like.

Our hope is ultimately in the gospel and we must continue to take heart remembering and holding fast to the reality that God still rules! How did Christianity grow from eleven scared men in an upper room to become the state religion of the Roman Empire in under 300 years? It was the hope of resurrection. Christians were not afraid of death. Plagues and natural disasters caused chaos in the ancient world and life was unstable. However, Christianity offered a better explanation, a better story, the forgiveness of sins, a resurrected body and the promise of new creation. 
Christians have generally coped with disasters better, and they took care of their own and others. When plagues happened many stayed with the sick and some of those who survived became Christian. The world also saw how martyrs faced death with such confidence.
The next couple of months may prove to be rather difficult, but then I think about what people had to face this time last century. They went through World War I, a pandemic, massive economic depression and then World War II - and all within thirty years.  

This is our time brothers and sisters, so let us not forget how great is the God we worship. When Israel was under siege, and starvation was so bad that mothers were even tempted to eat their young we read the words of the prophet Jeremiah:
"Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ~ Lamentation 3:22-23

Rich Wenden.


Giving Careful Thought …


Amos Summary